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Journal of Shoulder  Surgery

EGSSA will seek being one of the member supporting Society of the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (JSES)supported by several international Societies as:
•    British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS)
•    Danish Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow
•    Finnish Shoulder Society
•    German Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE)
•    Groupesd’Etude de l’Epaule et du Coude
•    Italian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
•    Spanish Society for Surgery of Shoulder and Elbow
•    Swedish Society for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
•    South African Shoulder and Elbow Society
•    American Shoulder and Elbow Society
•    Japanese Shoulder Society                              

  The « Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery » is the aim of publication of the society and will be contacted to be a part of it ,and the « EGSSA Open and EGSSA Arthroscopy bulletin » are the official publications of the Society. The Society encourages that scientific and medical articles from Egypt containing information regarding the investigation, development, preservation and restoration of the form and function of the shoulder and elbow are published in the journal.
Egyption Member of the «Board of Trustees »
The Society will seek that  one member of the Board of Trustees nominated by the Executive Committee and recommended to the society for election at General Assembly. The Egyptian member of the Board of Trustees shall serve for a three (3) year term of office and shall be eligible for election to three (3) successive terms.

Egyptian Editorial Board of JSES and EGSSA Bulletin.

The Egyptian Editorial Board includes three (3) members and is nominated by the Executive Committee of EGSSA for a three (3) year term of office and is then eligible for annual nomination by the Executive Committee. The Chairmanship of the Egyptian Editorial Board is for a two (2) year term.                       


The Egyptian Editor (Deputy editor) is responsible for selecting, preparing and transmitting the editorial materials to the publisher of the journal for publication.
The Egyptian Editor shall be responsible for nominating individuals for various positions on the editorial staff including co-editor and associate editors.

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